
Rewatchable Movies

This list could also be called my favorite movies. These are the movies that I can watch over and over and enjoy them every single time. The movies that you stop and watch when channel surfing in spite of the fact that you have a copy on DVD. . . and VHS. . . and MP4 on your ipod. . . and are already eyeballing on BluRay. They are not all Oscar movies, so it can be embarrassing to admit they are your favorites to friends and strangers when there are quality movies that you LOVED that should be on the list. That's why I made my greatest movies list; and why I'm calling this list rewatchable movies. One more caveat: when there are movie serials that blend together as one movie and you quote lines from the entire series interchangeably and you can't pick one favorite from the crowd, they are just one long movie. That's what I've decided and so declared for my lists. If you don't like it, make your own lists.

1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
2. My Cousin Vinny (1992)
3. The Fugitive (1993)
4. The Indiana Jones Series (1981-2008)
5. As Good As It Gets (1997)
6. Hot Fuzz (2007)
7. The Star Wars Series (1977-1983)
8. Jurassic Park (1993)
9. The Die Hard Series (1988-2007)
10. Air Force One (1997)

If it wasn't perfectly obvious from this list, I'm a huge Harrison Ford fanatic.

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